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Monday, June 29, 2015

Baby Announcement Ideas

Well , as most of Facebook now knows, I havin another baby! Woohoo, also, exaggerated eye roll. I am certainly happy to be having another little one I am just not looking forward to starting all this over again. From feedings every two hours to waking up all night, to pumping with that awful machine to teething... not to mention my toddler is going to turn two a couple months before the baby is due so that ought to be a treat I'm sure. My first is pretty even tempered most of the time so I guess I won't have a lot to worry about.
Unfortunately, my delightful little princess was actually a pretty good baby. She slept through the night right away, she latched and weened on her own very well and we are already seeing the signs that she is getting more comfortable without the binkie. That said, no two children are alike... I am mentally preparing myself for what could be a potential nightmare of tears and screaming. As one has learned smoothly over the last couple years the likely-hood of number two being my second piece of cake.. well it's slim. This lil guy has proven that morning sickness is alive and well in me.

Enough ranting, truthfully, I am really excited and I am hoping for a boy this time. I am getting the new bedroom ready and we are talking buying a new car. (I'm always in for a new car!) and we get to announce the new baby to the family friends. This time I went a little more low key and made a fun meme for FB and text. (To be honest after the engagement, showers, baby and wedding we are tired of announcing things.) So this post is to give you new Mama's some ideas on how to announce your little one!

This was the one I ultimately chose for the announcement and it went over as a big hit. One thing... some people don't  get it. I recommend using this one so the comment section will reveal the meaning of this one. (It took my mom and sister two days to figure this one out.

I liked this one but it lacked something. I don't know what but it needed something.

I loved these and I like the crib eviction notice as well but we will still need the crib for her so I tried this one.

Any announcement you choose is going to be cute. You can find some cute templates for free with no more than a google and get some ideas at least. Hope this helps you guys a little!

What's Been Up?

I guess this would be more of an update than anything else. I haven't really attempted any more projects lately.... well, cause I'm friggan tired. I was working full time for the first four months of pregnancy with my daughter so maybe I just didn't notice as much. But man I am only rounding out month two and I am exhausted. Not to mention I have been sick, really bad at first but gradually getting better, also something I didn't experience with my first. I am very curious to see how the rest of it plays out and how the kids compare. One thing that didn't change is the excitement.

This is funny actually, because about a week before I got the good news my husband picked up a pee stick for me on his suggestion. I took it and it was negative and I did a little happy dance in the bathroom. This seemed to concern my husband because he commented on my excited nature a couple times. (I did indeed want more kids but I wanted to have one more summer of cook outs and jello shots before preggo mommy had to come back.) A week later to the day I'm standing by the sink, washing the dishes and out of nowhere I start feeling real sick and I bolt for the bathroom. Took another test and sure enough... here we go again.

Anyway, the kids are out of school and I have two toddlers and a 9 year old for the whole summer. Yay, (insert sarcasm here) We have hit the beach, the playground, we went walking through the city and even drove to other towns for their playgrounds and I gotta say. while some of it was fun.... I'm exhausted and my patience is getting low. I believe the two are related.

As I mentioned I am pretty tired but I do have other news about my almost 2 year old. She still isn't talking.... so frustrating but she has an evaluation with a speech therapist tomorrow so I hope that all goes well. At least I will find out how far behind she really is and what I can do to encourage her to use speech instead of gestures. So as you can see I have been quite a busy Mama.

Soon to come I have some new reviews to get done and I am very excited to share my review of the new stroller and car seat, so exciting. I am also working on a post and photos for the gardening progress, (lots to see) and I will also be sharing some new photography work of mine this week. Lots to see and lots to do this summer.

As always, any questions, comments etc hit up the comments section and let me know what you think.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ultimate Straight by Loreal Paris Review

Review Time,
Influenster sent me another Vox box, this time for Loreal Paris's Ultimate Straight collection.

The shampoo and conditioner works as well as expected. The box also came with a pre-conditioner. I don't know about you guys but I am pretty sure I have enough bottles in my shower. Maybe one more is that one too many? It also came with a straightening gel, this stuff seemed like a neat addition for the days that I plan to go the extra mile and use the straightener. Instead, it made my hair dry and frizzy. It textured it, which for straightened hair doesn't accomplish what you want. Texturizing is more for curling hair so it will hold its shape. All in all I'm not sure I would go out of my way to buy this product. Seems like it's more fluff and fancy labels rather than actual, usable product. That said I will always be willing to try out some new products from Loreal Paris.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Live Chat Link: Attempt Number Two

Please bear with me while I figure this out. I will get there but I seem so have figured something out. Please feel free to stop by and say hi while we are taking a break. Let me know what you think, ask me questions or if you have suggestions for posts etc please let me know.!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

DIY Wood Paneling Update

High five for productivity today. With the news of the new baby coming I sort of had to get my butt in gear and get a lot of these projects done as quickly as possible to make room for all the baby chairs and swings and all that bulky pieces of furniture you use for about 4 months and haul back down to the basement. But awwww, aren't they so cute on that lil' bouncer that takes up the space of two kitchen tables and you have kicked with your baby toe 4,627 times. Any how, I had some pretty high ambitions for our new house and the Pintrest rampage only fueled my appetite for industrial pallet furniture and dangling, energy efficient, low watt, bare bulb, pendulum lights. Then I realized... I'm not a freakin New York hipster and I don't have that kind of money. So I decided to try a few more manageable jobs.

The two bedrooms in the back of the house were paneled with this light colored fake wood paneling. This does not work for me! Well, I painted everything white, which helped with the panels, but it was so boring and plain, this also doesn't work for me. Now, I am here to tell you that you really can successfully update a trailer without breaking your wallet into tiny little pieces.


The final project was fairly simple. If you painted the panels correctly the first time with the white you should have no issues. I highly suggest sanding the paneling first to give the paint something the stick to. When I removed the painters tape it took the paint with it and had to be patched up and it is not all that pretty for now. However, the stripes look lovely and when the second room is finished it will look a bit more polished. 

Any questions on this or any other DIY project I have done feel free to message me or add a comment.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Heroin Epidemic Near You

I come to you all today with sadness. The Heroin epidemic is so real and so absolutely insane it gives a feeling of hopelessness and to be truly honest.... It Blows!

So I'm starting my day, talking to to my husband and getting breakfast for the kids and he asks,
"Got any plans for today?"
"It's supposed to rain this morning so I think I will keep them inside until this afternoon and take everyone to the park."

Then he drops a bomb on me.
"Be careful they already found needles in the wood chips at the new playground and at the ball field."
My heart dropped, I mean, already? They built it like two months ago. This is how it is now I guess. This is going to be our new apocalypse, and I was always a big fan of the zombies taking us all down but that's just me.

There is a war on drugs but right now there is a war and H and it is winning. My Dad said something to me in a conversation about this and it stuck to me. He said, "Whenever someone tells me they have a loved one or close friend who is wrapped up in the heroine web all I can think to say is, I'm sorry for your loss." It's so sad and yet so true.

I am not naive to the drug world, I was a kid once, and I have seen the fads of "designer drugs". We all did really. Bath salts, ugh, that blue meth, Molly. I have never seen anything like what is going on in the world right now and with a little girl and a baby on the way I can't imagine having to explain all this to them in a way they can understand fully. They are my children and I want to protect them but how do you do that any more. I can't keep them in the safety of our home at all times. I have to let my kids be kids and learn things on their own just like I did but the dangers seem so much more dangerous now. It is literally life and death to play in the playground. (You used to worry about the shiny metal slide that's been in the sun all day or the rusted monkey bars sticking out in spots.)

If it simply gets worse every year then what is the next step? Explosion of homeless population, spike in crime, total collapse of civilized society? I know I am exaggerating a bit here but the reality is if this stuff doesn't get in check soon it will only get worse. What would the results of that be like? Spreading population of the infected, raiding of healthy communities and and infecting whole cities, destruction of properties without remorse, societal adjustment to new cultural norms based merely on survival.....

God Damn, I was right. It's the apocalypse, guys.

The moral of this rant is simple. Take a look around before you let your kids free at the playground or sandbox, when hiking or camping. Keep an eye on them and what they are playing with.
Finally, if you or someone you know is addicted to herion, or anything else for that matter, please encourage them to get help but not at the expense of yourself.

If you have a story you want to share or an experience you want to talk about feel free to comment below or message me.