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Sunday, June 14, 2015

DIY Wood Paneling Update

High five for productivity today. With the news of the new baby coming I sort of had to get my butt in gear and get a lot of these projects done as quickly as possible to make room for all the baby chairs and swings and all that bulky pieces of furniture you use for about 4 months and haul back down to the basement. But awwww, aren't they so cute on that lil' bouncer that takes up the space of two kitchen tables and you have kicked with your baby toe 4,627 times. Any how, I had some pretty high ambitions for our new house and the Pintrest rampage only fueled my appetite for industrial pallet furniture and dangling, energy efficient, low watt, bare bulb, pendulum lights. Then I realized... I'm not a freakin New York hipster and I don't have that kind of money. So I decided to try a few more manageable jobs.

The two bedrooms in the back of the house were paneled with this light colored fake wood paneling. This does not work for me! Well, I painted everything white, which helped with the panels, but it was so boring and plain, this also doesn't work for me. Now, I am here to tell you that you really can successfully update a trailer without breaking your wallet into tiny little pieces.


The final project was fairly simple. If you painted the panels correctly the first time with the white you should have no issues. I highly suggest sanding the paneling first to give the paint something the stick to. When I removed the painters tape it took the paint with it and had to be patched up and it is not all that pretty for now. However, the stripes look lovely and when the second room is finished it will look a bit more polished. 

Any questions on this or any other DIY project I have done feel free to message me or add a comment.

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