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Monday, June 8, 2015

The Heroin Epidemic Near You

I come to you all today with sadness. The Heroin epidemic is so real and so absolutely insane it gives a feeling of hopelessness and to be truly honest.... It Blows!

So I'm starting my day, talking to to my husband and getting breakfast for the kids and he asks,
"Got any plans for today?"
"It's supposed to rain this morning so I think I will keep them inside until this afternoon and take everyone to the park."

Then he drops a bomb on me.
"Be careful they already found needles in the wood chips at the new playground and at the ball field."
My heart dropped, I mean, already? They built it like two months ago. This is how it is now I guess. This is going to be our new apocalypse, and I was always a big fan of the zombies taking us all down but that's just me.

There is a war on drugs but right now there is a war and H and it is winning. My Dad said something to me in a conversation about this and it stuck to me. He said, "Whenever someone tells me they have a loved one or close friend who is wrapped up in the heroine web all I can think to say is, I'm sorry for your loss." It's so sad and yet so true.

I am not naive to the drug world, I was a kid once, and I have seen the fads of "designer drugs". We all did really. Bath salts, ugh, that blue meth, Molly. I have never seen anything like what is going on in the world right now and with a little girl and a baby on the way I can't imagine having to explain all this to them in a way they can understand fully. They are my children and I want to protect them but how do you do that any more. I can't keep them in the safety of our home at all times. I have to let my kids be kids and learn things on their own just like I did but the dangers seem so much more dangerous now. It is literally life and death to play in the playground. (You used to worry about the shiny metal slide that's been in the sun all day or the rusted monkey bars sticking out in spots.)

If it simply gets worse every year then what is the next step? Explosion of homeless population, spike in crime, total collapse of civilized society? I know I am exaggerating a bit here but the reality is if this stuff doesn't get in check soon it will only get worse. What would the results of that be like? Spreading population of the infected, raiding of healthy communities and and infecting whole cities, destruction of properties without remorse, societal adjustment to new cultural norms based merely on survival.....

God Damn, I was right. It's the apocalypse, guys.

The moral of this rant is simple. Take a look around before you let your kids free at the playground or sandbox, when hiking or camping. Keep an eye on them and what they are playing with.
Finally, if you or someone you know is addicted to herion, or anything else for that matter, please encourage them to get help but not at the expense of yourself.

If you have a story you want to share or an experience you want to talk about feel free to comment below or message me.

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