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Monday, June 29, 2015

What's Been Up?

I guess this would be more of an update than anything else. I haven't really attempted any more projects lately.... well, cause I'm friggan tired. I was working full time for the first four months of pregnancy with my daughter so maybe I just didn't notice as much. But man I am only rounding out month two and I am exhausted. Not to mention I have been sick, really bad at first but gradually getting better, also something I didn't experience with my first. I am very curious to see how the rest of it plays out and how the kids compare. One thing that didn't change is the excitement.

This is funny actually, because about a week before I got the good news my husband picked up a pee stick for me on his suggestion. I took it and it was negative and I did a little happy dance in the bathroom. This seemed to concern my husband because he commented on my excited nature a couple times. (I did indeed want more kids but I wanted to have one more summer of cook outs and jello shots before preggo mommy had to come back.) A week later to the day I'm standing by the sink, washing the dishes and out of nowhere I start feeling real sick and I bolt for the bathroom. Took another test and sure enough... here we go again.

Anyway, the kids are out of school and I have two toddlers and a 9 year old for the whole summer. Yay, (insert sarcasm here) We have hit the beach, the playground, we went walking through the city and even drove to other towns for their playgrounds and I gotta say. while some of it was fun.... I'm exhausted and my patience is getting low. I believe the two are related.

As I mentioned I am pretty tired but I do have other news about my almost 2 year old. She still isn't talking.... so frustrating but she has an evaluation with a speech therapist tomorrow so I hope that all goes well. At least I will find out how far behind she really is and what I can do to encourage her to use speech instead of gestures. So as you can see I have been quite a busy Mama.

Soon to come I have some new reviews to get done and I am very excited to share my review of the new stroller and car seat, so exciting. I am also working on a post and photos for the gardening progress, (lots to see) and I will also be sharing some new photography work of mine this week. Lots to see and lots to do this summer.

As always, any questions, comments etc hit up the comments section and let me know what you think.

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