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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Doctor In My Dreams Pt.2

I was flipping through Max’s drawings and my heart was sinking. While I wasn’t crazy I also wasn’t safe. Some depicted me standing in line at a store buying groceries with The Doctor standing behind me. Others were more like explanations of the noise I heard in the closet the other night. Just me standing in the middle of the room looking up at the ceiling. She saw things, and drew things no other person could know. The scary part wasn’t what she had seen of my past but what she had seen of my future. It got dark, one of the last pictures was dark but detailed. It was mostly of me and I looked frightened. Really scared. The Doctor was still a little ways off but he was reaching. He reached close, like, impossibly close. Almost out of the picture at me. It made me close the book and tuck it under my arm. This was too much. I need a fresh start. I went to a few classes and tried to get my real life head back on but I was distracted. I tried sucking down some caffeine. No luck. Looks like another day of classes down the drain. I was feeling pretty low. I mean, I am missing classes, I’m knock down drag out tired and all because I am quite literally burning the candle at both ends. I used to be such a good kid.
I texted Max but got no answer and headed over to the coffee shop at the dorm for espresso, you know, assuming they knew what that was. I perched on the steps outside by the chair ramp and tried to sort out my thoughts but the traffic was heavy and I felt in the way so I headed back to the dorm. Once I reached the courtyard, though, I spotted my mom frantically wandering looking at the little slip in her hand and at all the doors. She has no idea how to find me. I flagged her down and gave her a hug then led her to one of the benches.
“Mom, what are you doing here? What is going on?” I gave her a serious look and placed my hand on hers. She looked at her lap and returned her eyes to me. She came here for this talk.
“Baby, you have gifts. Well, sometimes gifts aren’t gifts. I mean, you’re special but not special.” She took a deep breath and pulled a fresh cigarette pack out of her purse. I have never seen my mother smoke a day in my life. “Okay.” She took another drag and blew it out. “Baby, when you were little you used to tell stories. At first they were normal, like you would talk about the neighbors’ yard or about some fight over at the neighbor’s house and we thought it was just you over hearing something next door. Maybe we just thought they were stories and that you would out grow them. Then things changed.” She took a long drag off of the cigarette and blew a long plume of smoke after it. She looked me dead in the eyes. She was so tired. “Baby, I should have told you a long time ago. When you sleep, well, you go places. Places other people don’t go in their sleep.” I held a hand up.
“I know this part. Who is the Doctor?” All business now. I should have just let her talk and get it out but my patience was running very thin and I was pretty ticked off that none of this was ever told to me before.
“Well, after a while your ‘stories’ got strange and you started talking about the man with the mask. You told us that he kept showing up but at first you just seemed curious. We chalked it up to another one of your stories. About a year after he first showed up you started becoming afraid of him. You told us that he kept trying to grab you but you ran away. Sometimes, you said you would hide all night long under the bed. When you stopped talking about it all together we got scared. You would wake up screaming but never told us why. We would find you in the morning sweating and getting sick. Finally, after two shrinks and a priest they sent us to a little witches shop. She told us what was happening to you and suggested that we try dream suppressants. By then we were so scared for you. Honey, you had lost so much weight, you barely spoke to anyone and when we would check on you in the morning there would be scratches on your shoulders and back. After a few months it was like you started coming back but didn’t show much memory of what had happened. You asked why you could never remember your dreams. The witch thought you had blocked out the memory and we thought it best it stayed that way. We told you that you had epilepsy and you accepted that.” She took another drag and squashed it under her foot. “Baby you have to come home. Please, get you things and come with me. I’m afraid of what will happen if… Please just come home.”
“Mom I can’t. I have to finish school. Besides, I am going to see Max’s aunt today. She seems to think her aunt will have all the answers.” We hugged and I assured her I would be fine. She cried a little and apologized but I hugged her again and told her I loved her, that I would let her know whatever I found out and convinced her I would take care of myself. Great more pressure. This whole visit had been emotionally draining and I still had more questions and Doctor to evade every night. Why had this thing decided to follow me? How do I make it stop? Will I have to stay on those stupid pills my whole life? I texted Max with the cliff notes version and used some time to reflect.
There was a little spot Max liked to draw sometimes over by the river running alongside campus. I parked myself under a tree and leaned against the warm bark. I was feeling worn so I closed my eyes for only a moment. No sooner had I closed my eyes did they pop back open. It was dark now but it was far too early. Shit, I’m back here. I fell asleep. I turned around and looked back through the woods toward the school but I didn’t see anyone. There has to be something I can find out. I stepped through the small grove of trees into the leading to the parking lot and there he was. Closer than he had ever been.
He just stood there. Waving his blade back and forth, his eyes crinkled at the corners and he was smiling. I stepped toward him thinking he would step back but he didn’t. Instead he rushed past me and into the woods. He was so fast. I bolted after him, though, I have no idea why. When I pushed through the trees he was standing over my sleeping body with a hand on my shoulder. Blood dripped from his blade. Had it been there before, I couldn’t remember. In fact I was getting dizzy, as though the world was spinning around me. I lunged after the Doctor to shove him away from me. If I wake up he can’t hurt me, I thought. When I lunged it felt more like a free fall on top of my own body. Suddenly, it was bright again but my eyes hurt and my face was stinging. It was Max, she was slapping me
“Wake up you sonofabitch. Wake up now!” Another hard slap. I held up a hand and she dropped to her knees. “Shit, I thought I was too late.” She held up a new sketch pad, I completely forgot to give hers back. In the picture was me, slumped against the tree where I sat. Over me stood a massive shadow like creature. Its clawed hand was pulling something from my body. I looked up at her and I was terrified. “That, my dear, is your soul. That is what almost every demon wants. Your soul, it’s the closest to living they can get. Sadly, once they try to get a hold of you, well, they are a bitch to get rid of. Now stand up because we are going to see Auntie.” She held out her hand. The confidence in her voice and the knowledge she spoke of left me feeling a bit skeptical. How did she know I was here? That it was happening right now. How would she have known I would fall asleep. I felt like everything normal was slipping away. One minute I’m trying to get through classes and the next I have Freddy Kruger stalking my dreams.
“How do you know all this?” I asked.
“That’s why we need to visit Aunt Mysty. She will explain everything but I can get you caught up on the way at least. Make sure your stable, an attack like that can mess up your equilibrium.” Shit, that’s why I was so dizzy. That ass hole was trying to jack my soul. Most people come to college to work out their demons. Me? Well, I quite literally have demons to face. Perfect.
We walked to her car in the parking lot while I tried to process this but no luck. Talking it out usually works with other things let’s try it.
“So, I wander around in ghost world as a kid. Doctor man, what, taking a liking to me? Starts out following me but never gets close. Takes years before he starts trying to snatch me in dream land. Finally, he scratches me up so momma called the doctor and the doctor said, no more Mikey dreaming in his head. So where did he go? Has he always been around? I could see you on the bench, even though you couldn’t see me so I guess it’s safe to assume he’s probably around here somewhere.” Max nodded but didn’t say anything. “So what do you have to do with all this? How long have you known about me, this, I guess, gift?” She sighed heavy, confession time.
“Alright, it’s like this. My story isn’t too different from yours. I drew things and they weren’t always rainbows and ponies. I drew tragic things and the school started getting concerned. Thought I was getting beat up at home or something and used drawing to act now. Not the case by the way.” She said looking directly at me. I wonder how many times she had to defend her parents. She continued, “Couple shrinks didn’t believe that I was seeing visions in my dreams. They thought it was just a very vivid imagination and told my parents I needed drugs and therapy to tone down my sometimes violent pictures. My parents were really worried about me but didn’t think drugs were the way to go. Especially when the things I drew started coming true. My mom called my aunt and said, ‘Okay, there is something to your ghosties please come fix my kid. Aunt showed up and sure enough I have abilities. I see things in my dreams as well as the occasional daytime vision. You, however, Mr. Elliot, You come through clear as a bell and have been for a long time. Even before we met in high school. When I saw you for the first time I freaked out and ran home to call Mysty and tell her you were here. She explained that your mother had come to her and I was to keep a distance. They didn’t want me to tell you anything for fear your memories would come back to haunt you.” She stopped turning down a dirt road going a little too fast.
“Woah there Andretti, you in a hurry?”
“I am afraid time is running out for you. We would have been more prepared if we had known ahead of time you were going to quit the pills. Stupid English class moved up the schedule.”
“Wait, what schedule? What are you talking about?” I started feeling like the whole world has been conspiring against me.
“Short version, we knew that eventually you would start asking questions. When we found out you were going for psychology we knew you would figure out the truth about your meds. Dr. Singh didn’t connect the dots with the assignment since it’s one he does every year. When you emailed him it took a couple days for the problem to register and called your mom.”
“Ah ha. I thought that was unusual.”
“Now, he has gotten close enough to grab you. Do you remember where he touched you first?” She looked me over quick and looked up just in time to slam on her brakes before plowing through the front door of a little cabin.
“I don’t know, my chest probably.” She pointed to my chest and I pulled my shirt up. There was a deep purple bruise spread across my sternum as though someone had simple punched me hard in the chest. I looked up at her clearly shocked.
“It takes time for these nasty fuckers to build up enough strength to attack. Today may have given you another week or so before he can get you. I know your memories hazy but can you remember a time where weird stuff was happening while you were awake? Missing objects, strange bruises or cuts or even seeing something in the corner of you eye frequently.” I thought for a moment but it didn’t take long. My stuff was always getting moved around but I chalked it up to always being so busy and simply forgetting where I put things. I get bruises all the time but I can be clumsy sometimes. Jesus had I really found a way to not notice being haunted? She noticed the look on my face and she nodded. “That’s what I thought.” She pushed her door open and got out. Standing before the little cottage and smiled a bit and held her arms out to the side. “Welcome to the world of the paranormal my dear. Here we are going to figure out how to get that monkey off your back before..” She stopped and this made me uneasy. “Well, let’s just get rid of him, shall we?’
The cabin didn’t look very big from the outside. It was your standard log cabin with a few potted flowers hanging from the farmer’s porch roof. A few over grown weeds along the driveway and across the front of the house. I could smell the slightly stinky but slightly pleasant smell of flowers growing somewhere. Perhaps behind the house. The front porch looked a little rickety and creaked when I walked across it. Max hopped up the stairs, a bounce in her step. You could tell she had been here many times over the year. She pulled the dirty screen open and the rusty hinges groaned and protested, she didn’t seem to notice. Once I stepped through the door I became disoriented as the inside did not match the outside at all. Inside was still a log cabin but it was enormous inside. Much larger than the footprint of the house should allow. There must have been some additions right on the back of the house but even then the ceilings looked like they were cathedral ceilings but that didn’t make sense since the cabin was only one story from the outside.
A middle aged woman leaned her back against the counter and smiled as she watched me gazing at her home. “See anything you like?” Max walked over and hugged her aunt perching herself on the edge of the counter beside her.
“I’m sorry I just. I wasn’t expecting this.” The house was decorated with modern art and sculptures. It was neat and tidy but cozy. No plastic on the furniture or anything. “I guess I was expecting,”
“Dreamcatcher and chickens feet. Maybe a few voodoo dolls?”
“Something like that.” I chuckled a little, embarrassed.
“Not all witches live in the dust and load up on tacky jewelry. Some of us try to keep things as normal as possible. Makes my home a little more comfy.” She said gesturing around the room. “Now, my dear, you look far worse than I had expected so you need to take some time to rest. I have got some tea made for you.” She lifted a kettle off the stove a poured two cups. Before I had a chance to inform her I was not the tea drinking type and held a hand up and shut me down. “I know but this is going to help you relax and get your strength back.” She handed it to me and handed a second mug to Max. We both took a sip and I noticed she hadn’t made one for herself.
“Not your flavor?”
She grinned a wide grin at me, “Never touch the stuff.” Her voice sent a cold chill up my spine. I set down my cup but it was too late. The edges of my vision started to blur and the room began to get dim. Mysty grabbed me by the arm and led me gently to the couch sitting me down. Max walked over on her own and kicked her feet up on the coffee table littered with tech magazines. I tried to fight her and sit up but she was persistent. I could hear Max beside me, though she seemed miles away,
“Its alright dude. You will feel better. Don’t worry about Doctor man. He can’t get you here.” I took a deep breath that felt like a yawn. Shit, I was falling asleep. She said not to worry. I couldn’t fight anymore. Shit, what the hell did I get myself into this time?

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