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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our Life As Four

Have you ever wondered what it's like to have two kids under the age of three? Well, my dear readers, wonder no more. I am the proud mother of two beautiful children, two and a half year old and a 3 month old. They are beautiful children, healthy both physically and emotionally and I love these kids more than I ever thought possible. (I realize how cliche that sounds but believe it when people tell you, no matter how annoying they make it sound.) I am here to tell you that multiple children are why boxed wine was invented.

I wound up taking some time off school. I wasn't doing so great in my Trig class, (seriously, it's trig,) and I didn't want to lose future financial aid because of poor grades. I start back up in the fall and I am insanely terrified.

My daily life consists of constant diaper changes, "Don't touch that.", "Do you want a time out?", "Oh god why is everything wet?" and feeling like Oprah, "You need a nap and you need a nap. Everyone gets naaaaps!" It all seems worth it when I get my nuh nite snuggles before bed or when she asks to take her vitamin and brush her teeth. Can't get her to potty train but she is all about her baths and teeth brushing. Picking my battles I guess. That said she is getting so big and there is talk of her going into pre-school soon and it seems so soon.
 The little man is getting big. Picking up his head and meeting his weight goals. He recently had to clip his nails because his face looked like my poor little boy was in a knife fight in some alley. Terribly dry skin but we are working on it and it doesn't seem to bother him much. Tongue tied still because I was a bit shell shocked after the circumcision and didn't want them cutting into my baby anymore. Now there is a whole stupid thing about it and the insurance has to be done through medical not dental blah blah blah. Healthcare blows. Any how he's growing like a weed and I think he's starting to look like me.
We seem to be adjusting well, I guess if I had advice for a second time mom it would be... get used to your house being a mess. Try not to over do, the kids want your attention too and that's more important. Make time with your friends sometimes, especially if you are a stay at home mom like me. I occasionally will visit friends and family for lunch at work or a coffee break. Plan some out of the house time for the whole family, weather it be a walk or a beach trip or a weeks vacation try to find a few moments to be together.

I'll be posting some links to some stories I'm writing and I am  open to story ideas, questions or comments. As always you can always reach me in the comments.

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