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Thursday, August 6, 2015

How I Made Life Happen

I have lots of new updates for everyone and I am so excited. Right now I am setting my printer up in a temporary home so I can send in my transcripts for school. I have applied for enrollment at the local community college for my associates in IT. I couldn't be happier.
You see all those commercials on TV about just picking up the phone and your like, yeah right. Pick up the phone and pay you thousands of dollars for credits that might not transfer or you have to take six extra classes unrelated to the major you really want. Well, I sucked it up and it turns out I qualify for all kinds of financial aid and grants and stuff. That's always fun, free money.

That isn't the only thing going on either, as most of you know I preggo and waiting patiently to find out what we are having. (I had a very uncooperative woman at the last ultra sound who gave me excuses like, ' The baby's too small to see.' and 'You can't tell this early.') What ever. Anyway the next scheduled ultra sound is for next Wednesday and my husband has taken the day off to join me. (These doctor visits are a little more challenging when you have a toddler to chase around. This is what I signed up for.

So with all this going on I like to make things as challenging as possible, cause why not, and I also joined a newly formed garden club for my town. We are looking to build a community garden in our town and use the produce we get from it to supply the schools with healthy lunches and snacks. (The end result is not set in stone, of course, there is no telling if we will get anything out of it just yet.)

So now I have my self, with child, doing my thing as a nanny, working on this garden project and now I'm trying to start school in a month or so. Fantastic! My husband once told me I am like my aunt. She is 70+  years old and retired, takes painting class, works a support group, does charity, still camps in her RV and to this day hosts all our family gatherings in her own home. Shit, I'm not nearly that organized but I am getting better.

So kids, I have this to say today.....
I don't care if you fucked off in high school, got preggo young, did a little time or simply didn't get great grades. I don't care what all your teachers in school told you, or if you just waited a while. There is always another chance. Another place for you and another direction you can take. If you don't like where you are at then do something about it. I did and I am the last person on earth anyone would have expected to end up here.

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