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Monday, July 6, 2015

A Laid Back Holiday Weekend

What a beautiful weekend! While I didn't get to have any fun cocktails or blow anything up it was nice to just have my family close by for a while. Most of the time my husband is working his butt off and taking on call shifts all the time, our daughter is almost two so tantrums and whining land her little butt in time out frequently and as for me, I am just trying to keep the house clean and from burning down. Fortunately, the latter I have managed to accomplish.

Friday we headed to a family friends new farm to check it out. Gorgeous!
Photo by Judi Karsch
 This place is a beautiful and lush New England classic. She found herself a little slice of heaven complete with stable barn, 14 acres and beautiful horses on the way. Honestly, I would give up my cute little town life just for this.
Photo by Judi Karsch
I can certainly say it was a nice change of pace to sit by a fire and admire the land we actually live on instead of my neighbors siding.

Sunday. Sunday the kiddo slept until 10 AM! I assure you I am not making this up. But once we were up we took of to my in-laws house for a party and boy did we have fun. Vie got to ride the 4 wheeler again, we had bubbles and, of course, Grandma and Grandpa have a fountain on the deck that is the perfect height for a toddler. I don't care if she gets wet, really, kids are going to be kids. And Boy did she get WET!

 We didn't get to see the fireworks this year only because she is so little still and had such long days we just put her to bed. There will be other fairs and fireworks to see. I am fairly certain she is doing just fine and had plenty of fun.
So there is your update lovelies. I am going to be photographing the gardens this afternoon, I think, so that will be available soon. How did your kids do at the fireworks?

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