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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Photography When I Started Out

I worked professionally as a photographer for two years. To some, you think, oh, you must have gone to school or have one of those big cameras. Maybe I walked the streets capturing urban drama or perhaps took a photo-journalistic turn. Well my friends I can assure you none of those things are true. Instead, I got set up as a sales girl in a photo studio that specialized in small children, babies, families and pets. Yes, I worked smack dab in the middle of a mall and worked retail. Eventually, they trained me in photography and I took classes and went to seminars and became the senior photographer, teaching new hires how to shoot and maintaining the cameras but never had any real formal training.

That all being said I learned a lot and my work was featured in two magazines and my images sold very well. So since I decided to work photography back into my hobby list. (It's a long one.) I have done a lot of portraits and I am not sure I want to continue in that direction. I have done Urban Decay, which I love, but I am thinking of doing something a little lighter. I used to do a lot of landscape so I am going to do some spring shoots to add to my collection. Light and airy with lots of flowers. That said here are some from my darker, black and white days.

A few from my sunnier days.

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