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Friday, May 22, 2015

Deal On Kids Clothes, Don't Miss

So I am always looking for free stuff. I mean really, why pay for stuff if you really don't have to. I also have three kids to look after and don't have four hours to hunt down the best offers on the hundreds of freebie site scattered all across the inter-webs. So when I find something super cheapo or free I want to let you guys know about it. For starters baby stuff is so east to find.... really!

Pampers, Huggies, Enfamil, Similac. All of these will send you more formula and extras then you will even know what to do with. My daughter was 6 months before we finally started to run out. All you have to do is go to one of these websites while your cruising the internet and fill out the fields. (Lots of people use a fake or old email address to avoid the onslaught of spam that sometimes follows.) These guys also send you diapers and lots of coupons and anyone that has had children knows how expensive that stuff can get.

Finally, my reason for the post today. I recently discovered a new website that sells gently used kids clothes. If you're like me you probably just got a little squeamish at the sight of "gently used". Hey, I'm with you, used clothes for me isn't bad but for the kids? Well your first purchase will be free. When you sign up you will get a $15 credit. Then if you create a new collection they will give you another $10. Use this credit to try out the clothes and see what you think. Right now (5/15) they have free shipping as well so definitely check it out! Finally, the best part! The take a percentage of your purchase and donate it to local school to supplement their budget for musical instruments, art supplies, updated texts and other supplies. Pretty good cause to be a part of!

Click Here and don't forget to create a collection too!

As always let me know what you think and if you have any sites with freebies worth getting or discount clothes please post them in the comments.

Recipes for New and Expecting Moms: Breakfast

Freezer Breakfasts:

There are lots of things you are already making that can be frozen and microwaved on the go. One of my favorites is the breakfast sandwich. These little guys are easy, yummy and filling but they get expensive to buy every morning and who really has that kind of time to make one every day. Not me!
So the next Sunday that you are hanging out having a chill day and you have to make breakfast anyway why not make a big batch.

Grab some english muffins, cheddar cheese, bacon and eggs (and any other toppings you may be fond of just make sure they freeze and reheat well.) First cook the bacon and toast the english muffins. I scramble my eggs with a little water and pepper, not sure how milk will do in the freezer, and cook it in a skillet just like an omelet. Once the sides are set flip it and turn off the heat. I use a cookie cutter to create the perfect size egg serving for the sandwich. Assemble your sandwiches in parchment paper then in foil.

When you are ready to eat you can remove the foil, pop the paper wrapped sandwich in the microwave and in about 2 minutes or so you are ready to walk out the door. Or plop back on the couch.

This same method can be done with breakfast bowls, these are yummy if you add some fried potatoes to it and bell peppers too. Throw the ingredients in a tupperware bowl and stack in the freezer.

Since I already have a toddler that will need to be fed as well I make french toast sticks in large batches. I suggest double battering them so they will stand up to the thawing. Again, I can toss em in the microwave for a few moments and breakfast is ready. Throw some berries on the plate and an apple sauce packet and my kiddo is good to go.

I also have some wonderful lunches that are a snap to make and you can make a weeks worth at a time. That post coming up soon!

Recipes For New and Expecting Moms: Dinner

Everyone knows bringing home baby is a crazy time. Even the few months before, carrying the extra weight around, is exhausting and most of the time I, personally, opted for junk food or agonized over having to cook over the giant belly.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I have compiled a list of recipe ideas that were a life saver when we got home.

Freezer Bags:

Freezer casseroles are always the standard but I, for one, am not a fan. I really don't feel like eating leftovers every day so I found a neat twist on it.
Directions: Cut up a red and green bell pepper. Slice up a pound of chicken and get yourself two of those big plastic freezer bags. Split up all the ingredients between two bags keeping the chicken on one side and the veggies on the other. Lay flat in the freezer stacked.

When you're just not feeling all the cooking take one of these bad boys out of the freezer and toss it in hot water. Should be sufficiently thawed in about 15 to 20 minutes. Toss that in a hot skillet in some oil for like 25 or 30 minutes. Right before it's done toss in that Fajita Seasoning and get your tortillas out. Pop one or two in the microwave for a few seconds.

If you're feeling even lazier all these recipes can be used in the crock pot. Set it to low in the morning and it is ready to eat when you get home.

Load em up on your plate and add your toppings and enjoy.

This recipe is inter-changeable with other ingredients so you can  make a few weeks worth of meals in just an hour. Here is a few variations I have had success with. chicken, terriyaki sauce and pineapple, steak, peppers, onions and mushrooms, chicken, sezchuan sauce, broccoli, red peppers.

You can do the same thing with your breakfast and save yourself some time. That post to come later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Check Out My New Work

I have entered into some new challenges so please feel free to vote for me and my photos.
Thanks guys!

My new source for my Photography

Photography When I Started Out

I worked professionally as a photographer for two years. To some, you think, oh, you must have gone to school or have one of those big cameras. Maybe I walked the streets capturing urban drama or perhaps took a photo-journalistic turn. Well my friends I can assure you none of those things are true. Instead, I got set up as a sales girl in a photo studio that specialized in small children, babies, families and pets. Yes, I worked smack dab in the middle of a mall and worked retail. Eventually, they trained me in photography and I took classes and went to seminars and became the senior photographer, teaching new hires how to shoot and maintaining the cameras but never had any real formal training.

That all being said I learned a lot and my work was featured in two magazines and my images sold very well. So since I decided to work photography back into my hobby list. (It's a long one.) I have done a lot of portraits and I am not sure I want to continue in that direction. I have done Urban Decay, which I love, but I am thinking of doing something a little lighter. I used to do a lot of landscape so I am going to do some spring shoots to add to my collection. Light and airy with lots of flowers. That said here are some from my darker, black and white days.

A few from my sunnier days.

First Batch of Reviews

As promised I have completed some reviews for you that I hope you all find helpful. Since I am simply posting links for my reviews instead of rewriting or copying them I will add a few to each post.

If you have tried any particular product and want to add your two cents you are welcome to. I just ask that you please be kind to each other and lets keep it relatively civil.
Thanks guys and thank you for all of your support!.

Secret   The new outlast is lovely.

Jeans9  These are awesome and highly recommended.

I have many more to come and some Amazon reviews awaiting approval so hang tight and I will review some gorgeous kids and Mom's clothing. Who knows, perhaps you will figure out my secret to fashion on a budget.

Babies Breakfast

I have been wanting to get back into photography a little lately since we are out and about more so where better to showcase them than my very own blog. Enjoy and feel free to make any notes or comments as long as they are constructive.