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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

7 Sanity Saving Things To Do With A Toddler

My skin is warmed and muscles a little sore. With the end of April approaching I felt I couldn't wait any longer and finally got my trowel back in the ground. With out any knowledge of the previous owners landscaping I have no idea what grows where so I'm just digging it up and starting over. I dug out the edging around the house and decided to separate the rocks and wash them and return them where they belong. I have not had the chance for that today I'm excited to see the edging clean and even. The more I plan and I can envision the happier I am with our home purchase.

The lawn has been cleaned off, thatched and mowed and we are told (by a neighbor/ our landscaper) that our lawn is healthy and we will be pleased when it grows in. Not only does the personal attention improve the value of your home but I believe the hard work makes you love your home even more because you now have your little stamp on it.

That all said and done, it is spring so rain it must. Today I have the children inside all day, (at least until after nap time because I am not hosing down two cranky toddlers.) so I have to find something for these kids to do. I know this is difficult sometimes so I thought I would share some ideas I have used to entertain toddlers.

1. I encourage independence as much as possible such as helping clean up, clearing her plate when she is done and playing on her own. For the most part I am lucky and she entertains herself when alone and when I have the lil guy they are more than happy playing on their own. However, that doesn't last all day and sometimes you have to structure what these crazy, screaming, running offspring are doing. So when I want to make sure skills are being built and don't want to build again I hand them the Mega Blocks. These are a life saver and you don't have to worry so much about the dreaded lego minefield. 

2. I also recommend, if you have the space, get a tunnel. When the babies seem bored or they start getting into everything, like they do, I pop that thing open and they start clapping. They are adjustable so they can be made different shapes. They love them.

3. I also, on occasion, let them have crayons... I know. And, they aren't really unsupervised since they are in the room with me but here is the trick... I save shipping boxes and drop the kids in the boxes and let em color away. They get to play with color a little and the boxes keep them relatively contained.

4. I have one of those exercise balls that the kids are just fascinated with just make sure you don't have breakables lying around. Although, I guess if you have toddlers to entertain you likely don't have your fine china out on display.

5. After their nap I plan to take them out in the rain for a little. Honestly, what is a childhood without a little rain. Some of my favorite memories are of playing in the rain and splashing in my boots. Getting dirty and muddy. Who am I to deny these kids that joy.. (also, I kind of want to play in the rain now...)

6. Now that everyone is dry and in clean clothes it's time for a little relaxing so we do a little "baby yoga" This is really kind of move your toddler is willing to copy. We usually will start out hands up in the air high as you can. Then drop down into a forward fold and take a deep breath. Repeat those a few times then stand up. Next place your feet far apart and walk them back together. Repeat those a few times then sit on the floor and take a deep breath. Last we give hugs and maybe a tickle to add a laugh.

7. Once we are all calmed down I gotta usually have to get back to whatever chores I was in the middle of so on the floor goes the floor pillow. She loves this thing and we also used it to build neck and back muscles while doing tummy time when V was an infant. I got the plan and idea here: Giant Chevron Floor Pillows

Sorry about the picture quality but it's the best one of the pillow.

One and a half years old to two is a hard age. They are big enough to run around and understand basic instruction but they don't really talk and have very short attention spans. I spent a lot of time reading and planning and filling out a day planner trying to make sure I can pack as much learning as I can. You know, breed a genius. I am here to tell you... they are babies. They are going to learn and grow all on their own. I personally think its amazing how fast they learn things and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't teach your kids things, or help when they struggle. I am only saying.... they are babies, let's not forget to let them be babies.

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