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Monday, March 2, 2015

When One Decides To Be Different

So, I posted a few weeks ago about my sudden urge to dye my hair blue. That plan has not changed! Unfortunately, as is always the case when you do these things yourself, it didn't come out exactly how I wanted. Well, here is what happened. My husband informs me that he is really unsure of my strange decision and since he is always my cheerleader he got me to doubt myself. So I thought a compromise would be in order. He likes when I go blonde so I figured I will just bleach the whole thing and then dye the bottom blue. Well, if you have read my older posts about Enjoying A Little Tradition then you saw my photos of what my hair normally looks like. Well here is my half dye job now..
It's not so bad that it must be hidden from sight so as not to frighten the villagers but does indeed require a second attempt before I race to the salon and beg the poor women to fix it. I joke and I really hope I don't discourage you to try something new and different so that is why I am posting all this.

Heads up to all brunettes, This always happens when you go from brown to blonde. Don't freak out it is completely fixable, but first you have to properly take care of your hair first. Other wise you get that dry straw hair that is completely unmanageable. Before you bleach it, you should use a clarifying shampoo, preferably sulfate free, and a hair mask or intense conditioner. Then use your conditioner after you color too. I used Splat dye and it worked so much better than say a regular color like Loreal or something. Those dyes are meant to be used by people to have a similar to that color and not meant for a drastic change like I am looking for. Anyway, I will update you as the hair comes along and post more photos of the progress.

In the mean time it is back to work for me. Caring for children and praying that one of them doesn't decide to share his illness with me. (Also, his brothers reaction to my hair this morning was absolutely priceless.)

P.S. It occurs to me that I should let you know that when bleaching a second time you should always wait about a week to prevent major damage.

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