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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kids Who Dress For Success

I have recently been faced with a pet peeve of mine. Mind you, sometimes there are reasons behind these decisions and those are at the discretion of the parents. (I still believe the parents are in charge of their children's behavior until they are adults or prove their maturity.)
Wearing PJ's to school! As a teen. of course, this is very common. They have to get up so early, (too early according to some recent studies conducted among adolescents.) This however is merely the tip of the problem. There are dress codes in high school to keep the kids focused on school an not on the chicks cleavage who sits by the window. What about conveying the importance of "dressing for success" to the younger kids too. I am seeing a significant amount of children, elementary school kids, going to school in their pajamas.
One woman informed me that it was a compromise, her son (9) wanted to wear shorts to school on a 30 degree day. So to avoid a fight she agreed to let him wear his sweatpants to school. I get compromising with your children, we need to teach this to them as well, but when do they learn pride in their appearance? How do you feel after a fresh start in the morning, teeth brushed dressed and ready for work or school. Do you feel more productive? Maybe even feel better about yourself?

Getting dressed everyday sets an expectation for kids. That they have started their day and it is time to get to work and start learning. It also boosts a child's self esteem, think about how you feel when you go somewhere and realize your under dressed? How about when you stay in your pajamas all day, do you get lots done or do you tend to hang out on the couch?

It's these things like this that makes me wonder who gets more control the kids or the parents. If we upset our children and they go to their teacher we get called in to explain ourselves. Even letting our children walk home from school can cause an arrest warrant out for the parent who raised smart, responsible children. I find it infuriating, frustrating and ultimately disappointing. I guess the message we are trying to convey to society is what, hide your kids away because everyone is out to get them. Also, they get to do whatever they want because we don't want to cause a lifetime of disorders.

Ugh, I drank form a garden hose, walked home from school, played in the mud and I would never be allowed anywhere in my pajamas because I was taught to have more respect for myself than that. Why is it that the next generation will never learn these things?

I think it is time to take back responsibility for our own children and return to being their parents. They aren't your friends, they aren't your ward and you are not merely keeping them alive until they move out. hey are our kids and I think they deserve more. But hey, that's just me!

Off the soap box again...

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