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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fighting For A Little Green

I am an avid gardener, notice I didn't say successful. Seriously though, I know I have been complaining a lot about the winter and the cold but, well, it is stupid cold. Anyway since the move I have been able to get all my planting things in one place and boy am I ready to get moving. In fact I may have jumped the gun a little and started one of my mini green houses in the living room. I gathered a few seed packets over the winter. (I have found you can get all kinds of fun seeds on for very little cash.) so I got some of my rarer things started that way I don't waste a whole growing season on some bad seed pods.

I use one of these and you can pick one up at most hardware stores for less than 20 bucks.
You soak them down until they stop taking water. It will be more than you think and they will puff up. Simply press in your seeds or whatever your planting requires. Give it a couple weeks and you can plant the sprouts in a larger pot or let them get big enough in the spring to transplant them into the garden. Right now I have some roses for the new trellis along the house and some sunflowers and bamboo for the living wall. I have big plans for my little yard so who knows how much I will really be able to get to, although, I will be able to bring the rugrats outside.

As a little side note: You can start your garden anytime you want with some garden scraps. I have successfully sprouted some romaine lettuce, carrots, onion, and garlic. Just place the root end and about and inch of the vegetable in some water and refresh it every couple of days. Once you have a decent healthy looking sprout it can be transplanted in some soil. Let it hang out there for a few weeks before trying to get it into its final pot. 

Hope this shares my anticipation and hope that spring will indeed come back.

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