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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Feeding Your Toddler

Anyone who has ever had children knows that when it comes to meal times it does not always go smoothly. Of course, by that I mean it's a flipping nightmare, (trying to really curb my language but saying fudge just ticks me off more.) they tear apart sandwiches, squash the grape tomatoes and smash anything soft into the floor boards or curtains. Not only the mess but it's difficult to plan out regular meals with out feeding them pop tarts everyday. Don't get me wrong I'm not above throwing the occasional pop tart in the toaster or some crackers to keep her happy. Still, it's nice to try and get some real food into them so I'm here to reveal my current weeks meal plan. (I change  these up all the time its a little easier to have some ideas worked out ahead of time to choose from.)

This week I got a little lazy, I like to make batches of pancakes to freeze or french toast sticks but with the move I have too much other crap to do, so here is a menu example of a typical week for us.
(P.S. I also have another post about Meal Planning that's worth a peek, I promise. Here)

Day 1:
Waffle (cut up) Strawberries (cut up) bananas (cut up)     Lets just assume everything is cut up.
Turkey and cheese roll ups, cucumbers, grape tomatoes
Spaghetti and Meat balls

Day 2:
French toast sticks, halo's (those tiny oranges)
Peanut butter sandwich, cucumbers, pretzels
Sausage and peppers

Day 3:
Oatmeal, strawberries, halos
Chicken fingers, grapes
Stir fry

Day 4:
Waffles, banana's, yogurt
Chopped salad chunks with a dressing I make
Honey Dijon chicken, broccoli, potatoes

Day 5:
Bagels, applesauce
Leftover chicken and individual canned veggies. (I care for two kids so it all gets eaten.)
Burrito bowls, (This way she can eat what she wants.)

As you can see she pretty much eats what we do and not every meal is a success. I have found, however, that she is more willing to try and to eat something if we let her do it herself. She has always been a really good eater and I we have been lucky for that but we still face the challenges of pickiness and mashing food instead of eating it.

The trick to plan out your week but not set it in stone. You're not always feeling like chicken one day and ground beef the next but, instead, use it like a guideline for your grocery shopping and to give yourself ideas so your not getting sick of the same thing over and over again. This plan has saved us a ton of aggravation from avoiding the "What do you want for dinner?" "I dunno, what do you want?" All those blank stares into the back of the freezer and not seeing anything you want.

All it takes is 5 minutes and an open pintrest page.

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