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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bring On The Vitamin D

It is absolutely amazing to me what only a few minutes in the sun can really do for you, especially this time of year. Due to the bitter temperatures lately we have all been stuck in the house as I mentioned in another post. Well, today we got a heat wave! That's right ladies and gentlemen, we hit a whopping 35 degrees this afternoon. This allowed us to drop a layer of clothes and step into the sunshine and the result was just awesome.

The snow banks are well over four feet tall and the white, undisturbed snow is quite blinding but within only a few moments I felt my mood improve ten fold. It was amazing, I felt a burst of non-caffeine induced energy and felt like I was taking a deep breath for the first time. I even rolled the windows down while running my afternoon errands and cranked the music. I have some work to do on my day off tomorrow but I fully intend to get some of that sweet sweet sunlight tomorrow.

I recently posted about how to beat the winter blahs and one of my strongest suggestions was to get outside and into the light. Even I didn't know how spot on I was. I feel more motivated, (we will see how long that lasts.) even more ready for spring. I realize we have a ways to go since we have been well known to get snow in April and sometimes May, but man am I counting the days now.

Seeing the kids running around outside and the older one making a snowman in the yard made me realize these are the things I wanted to have children for but I have been hibernating. Well, lets stop hiding from the cold, suck it up and get out there. Hit a local tourist trap with the kids or something. I know here in NH we have a state website for fun and FREE things to do all year long. There are always event lists all over the interwebs at your finger tips. Instead of camping out in front of the TV, (no judging here, I'm a fan of TV too.) open the door and blink away the cobwebs of hiding out inside. Talking to you SAHM or WAHM especially.

Besides, it's only snow right?
More to come of tomorrows adventures and as always comment and share away!

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