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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Easy DIY Character Table Updates

I'm all about upcycling. For one thing I'm broke and for another upcycled pieces are usually the most interesting. It is  probably a blessing that I don't usually get out to flea markets often because I would buy all the pieces, then I need a craft store and a hardware store.

By the way if you like crafting or upcycling check out Hobby Lobby, that place is amazing.

Anyway, A couple years ago I got my daughter one of those character tables with two chairs and an aluminum frame. Well, she doesn't really watch that show anymore and its not the cutest thing to look at. Especially when moved to the living room for playdates and coloring.  So, a friend of mine got me a glue gun, (I know, I should have gotten one years ago.) and I had some leftover fabric so I started measuring pieces and cutting out each section. I got lucky and had just enough to do the whole set.

The directions are simple.

The back and bottom of the seat and the table top are screwed in with brackets. Unscrew em.
Lay the piece on the fabric and cut out. Doesn't have to be perfect you will be stretching it but leave enough to glue down.
All I did was use the glue in the corners of each piece to keep the shape and to keep the fabric from moving over the plastic.
Glue sections down on the back by gluing a 3 inch strip at a time and pulling the fabric tight. (I used clothes pins to hold the fabric down while the glue dried. It doesn't take long but it prevents you from pulling free already glued fabric.
Trim the extra.
screw back together.
Whole thing took like half an hour.

She loves it!
Feel free to comment with any questions or comments. I will be doing another gardening update soon, this year is going to be epic, I am just waiting for the sprots to get a little bigger before I post. There is also some new stuff coming from my reddit series so keep an eye out for that. Lots more photos.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Haunted Happenings

I'm back kids and boy do I have stories for you. So on my blog I don't talk much about the supernatural or paranormal but I assure you I am a firm believer that in the right conditions you could get stuck wandering the earth in between realms. I have seen apparitions on a few occasions and "felt" that presence. My husband however is a firm non believer but I let it slide cause he is a good father and has a great butt. Anyway, I believe myself to be an open person in that I pick up on changes in the atmosphere and I can sometimes hear voices. I don't pay them much attention because I get nervous and in these matters fear is very dangerous. I have read watch and studied all cultures belief systems regarding the afterlife and ghosts and phantoms. There is just too many similar experiences by cultures that never knew one another. Anyway, I'm rambling.

I am also a big reddit, specifically nosleep. I read them all the time and I'm hooked! I will link a few favorites.

Search and Rescue


Well since it seemed like the right place to post such experiences about myself there as well. They are all true. While these things have been happening to me all my life my accounts are actually all happening right now. Believe if you like, I don't care but feel free to comment question etc.

I tell them to stay away

If you like my stories please go ahead and upvote them and I will continue writing them.

Finally, (This is a sneak peek at the next chapter in my never ending tale.)
Went hiking in the woods today with the kids and saw these trees. These do not look like normal tree fall. I should also mention that where I live is usually pretty harsh in the winter but we go almost no snow so there is not weather reason these should be down.