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Monday, November 2, 2015

Positive Attitude

I'm back! Last I left you all I was getting ready to start school, just found out I'm preggo and went back to working 5 days a week. Let me tell you how much fun that all is. Happily!

We know we are having a boy, Yay! But, it's impossible to pick a name. It's not like we can't agree on one but that we don't like any of them enough to pick one. We want something unique, like our daughters, but nothing really stands out as 'The One!' At this point I'm ready to pick Diablo since this kid is tearing me up from the inside out. Let's just say if my first was 'this much fun' we would not be doing this again. That all said, I'm ready to meet my lil guy and start all over with a new baby. (Sadly, I know he will not be as easy as my daughter but I choose to keep the blinders on until that fateful 3 am feeding time.
We are still working on painting the babies room but fortunately, he will be staying in our room for a few months just like his sister did. If any of my wonderful readers has suggestions for boys names please go ahead and leave them in the comments and we will let you know of we pick yours.

I am still working as a Nanny 5 days with my two lovely boys and I look forward to seeing how they are with a new baby at the Nannies house. Fortunately, my employer has a new, 'better', job and I will be able to take some time off for Maternity Leave. Although, working is making it difficult to keep up with full time school schedules and my many projects, it has kept the weight down so hopefully I wont gain as much as I did with my first. Speaking of the kiddo, she is now two whole years old. She is talking and signing all the time. My hope is that soon it will no longer be necessary to have her in speech therapy any longer. (She has a slight expressive language delay.) She was happy to see her cousins and friends at her birthday party and scored big time on gifts. Even got herself a skateboard and helmet.. (Heart attack material for Daddy)

That just leaves school.... yay. It has come to my attention that in the ten years since high school I am not quite a quick at picking up new knowledge as I was, say, 10 years ago in high school. That said I was getting discouraged, my test scores in one of my classes is not where I would like them to be but I am trying and studying to get them back up there. The fact that I am concerned about my grades at all is certainly an improvement over the cocky teen I once was. So, in continuing with the advice about this, keep at it. Manage your time wisely and don't try to cram. Weather your a 19 or 29 year old, this crap is expensive, do it right the first time.

So we are through Halloween, and moving into the Thanksgiving season. (That's right, Christmas, keep your ass in December where you belong.) Hopefully, with some time off, I will be able to share with you some new recipes, craft projects and up coming.. stuff. As always, comment away, like and share. I look forward to being back and will update you as the baby gets closer. I also have a few new reviews to post so I will get on those later in the week.